Mach3 Turb
After Shave Survey
1 – Terrible 2 – Below Average 3 – Average 4 – Good 5 - Excellent
1. Smoothness of Shave/Ease: 5. Easy to shave with, able to shave with out looking or much effort.
2. # of Strokes per square inch: 4 strokes per square inch,
3. # Strokes per area: 3 separate passes minimum.
4. Skin smoothness – Upper Lip: Smooth in every direction, no irritation, no sensitivity.
5. Skin smoothness – Lower Lip: Smooth in most directions, Up has small bumps. No irritation or sensitivity.
6. Skin smoothness – Chin: Very Smooth in every direction, no irritation.
7. Skin smoothness – Cheeks: Smooth, small amount of bumps, very small amount of stubble
8. Skin smoothness – Jaw Line: Some bumps, some stubble, Smoother up and down, not as much across.
9. Skin smoothness – Overall: 4
10. Skin Irritation: No irritation or sensitivity.
11. Nicks/Cuts: Saw one nick near lip while shaving no bleeding at any point.
Method: Used Mach3 turbo and Almond scented shaving soap and brush, Used typical shaving methods that I used since I first learned to shave. Multiple strokes trying to shave in every direction used brand new blade and vibrating Mach3 handle. Used soap on each shave, (with grain and against grain)
Girlfriends point of view
1. Skin smoothness – Upper Lip:4
2. Skin smoothness – Lower Lip:4
3. Skin smoothness – Chin:3
4. Skin smoothness – Cheeks:3
5. Skin smoothness – Jaw Line:2
6. Skin smoothness – Overall: 3
7. Skin Irritation: none
Dawn is the Anonymous